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Am I Pregnant? A Quiz to Check for Early Signs of Pregnancy

Published | 6 min read

Wondering if you’re pregnant or not can cause excitement and anxiety. Take this quiz below to find out.

A pregnant woman holding her belly while sitting on a white bed

If your period is late or if you have noticed some unusual changes in your body, you might be wondering what’s going on with your body. In fact, you may have been asking yourself, “Am I pregnant?”

But you need to know for sure. While some women will experience early pregnancy symptoms, others will have few to no symptoms at all. So, it’s important for you to know the first signs of pregnancy and why they occur. Some early pregnancy symptoms can include a missed period, an increased need to urinate, and morning sickness, but there are others.

You may have even been searching, “how to know if I’m pregnant” to find out what your symptoms mean. If you’re curious to know if you might have symptoms of early pregnancy, take the “Am I pregnant?” quiz below.

But, remember, the best way to find out if you’re pregnant is to take a pregnancy test!

Am I Pregnant? Answer These Questions to Find Out!

Take this quiz and find out if it’s time for a pregnancy test.

Keep in mind that this information doesn’t constitute medical advice or diagnosis, so you still need confirmation from your healthcare provider.

If your answers to the quiz mainly were YES, then you might be pregnant.

Hormones cause changes in a pregnant woman’s body. The two main hormones are estrogen and progesterone. Pregnancy symptoms can be different for every woman. Some women have many symptoms and others might not have many at all.

Why Am I Having These Symptoms?

What’s causing these symptoms? This section explains why you might be having some of these signs and symptoms.

1. Missing a period or having a lighter than usual period

For many women, missing a period is the first sign of pregnancy, especially if they have always had regular menstrual periods. However, if you have a lighter than average period, it might be something else. It might be implantation bleeding instead of a period. This kind of bleeding can appear as spotting or a small amount of blood. Implantation happens when a fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining.

The only way to be sure is to take a pregnancy test. If the test results are negative, please consult your doctor because a missed period might be a symptom of another condition.

2. Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are common signs of pregnancy. These signs are caused by the rapid increase of estrogen levels in the body, and it is also known as morning sickness. This might start at six weeks or earlier. Some women may feel sick in the afternoon or at night, but, luckily, it should stop after the first trimester.

However, feeling sick to your stomach might be a symptom of something else, such as food poisoning. If you are not pregnant but continue to experience this symptom, please consult your doctor. 

3. Tiredness

Hormonal changes in early pregnancy might lead to feelings of tiredness. Blood pressure and blood sugar levels might be lower in pregnant women, adding to exhaustion. You may want to try some nourishing tea to help eliminate fatigue by replenishing your blood and vital energy (qi). According to Chinese medicine practitioners, chicken can also tonify energy or qi, invigorate the digestive system, relieve fatigue, and increase physical strength. 

However, if you are not pregnant but feel tired all the time, please see your doctor for a consultation.

4. Changes in the breasts

Your breasts might feel tender to the touch, sore, or bigger/fuller. Some women might notice the area around the nipples becoming darker. These changes to the breasts might begin as early as four weeks after conception.

Breast tenderness might be a symptom of something else if you are not pregnant. Consult your doctor to find out the cause.

5. Frequent urination

During the initial stages of pregnancy, many women report an increase in urination frequency because of increased blood flow, which can begin as early as two weeks after conception. 

Frequent urination might be a sign of something else, such as a urinary tract infection. Please consult your doctor if you feel a stinging or burning sensation during urination or have a fever. 

6. Heightened or change in smell

A pregnant woman holding her belly and smelling a bouquet of flowers
A pregnant woman’s sense of smell might be heightened.

Some women might become more sensitive to the scents around them. Or, odors and fragrances might seem different or have a greater intensity. In fact, a heightened sense of smell is often one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. It might be because of hormonal changes related to morning sickness. If you’re already nauseous, it might be better to avoid strong scents.

7. Abdominal cramps

Soreness in the lower back or lower stomach or the feeling like your period might be coming might can be caused by changes to the uterus or the embryo’s implantation into the uterine lining. 

There are some steps you can take to alleviate the pain caused by abdominal cramps. These include drinking lots of fluids, eating small but frequent meals, taking a warm bath, and doing light stretching exercises.

In addition to light stretches, you should also practice caution when turning in bed or getting up from a chair to avoid straining your abdominal ligaments. However, if the pain is severe or there is only pain in one side of the body, please consult your doctor immediately.

8. Increase in vaginal discharge

Pregnant women often notice that they have more discharge than usual. It might be sticky, white, or pale yellow, and it’s caused by an increase in hormones and vaginal blood flow. This discharge is intended to prevent infection in the cervix or vagina. 

Other Things You Need to Know 

A pregnant woman with her smartphone, sitting on a sofa
Hormonal surges in the first trimester may affect your mood and feelings.

Changes in hormone levels might make a woman feel moody or emotional, but it’s normal to feel down sometimes. However, if you start feeling sad or have hopeless or suicidal thoughts for over two weeks, you might be depressed. If the feelings are severe and do not go away, you should talk to your doctor to seek treatment.

In addition, to maintain optimum health during pregnancy, you can take some dietary supplements. Some of these include an omega-3 supplement and prenatal vitamins, tailored for the nutritional needs of pregnant women.

A happy woman holding a pregnancy test result
Take a pregnancy test today to find out if you are going to be a parent.

If your answers to the quiz mainly were NO, you are probably not pregnant.

While it may be fun to take an “Am I Pregnant?” quiz, the best way to determine if you are expecting is to take a home pregnancy test. Then make an appointment to see your gynecologist. If you’re feeling anxious about possible pregnancy signs and symptoms, getting answers sooner than later will help.


  1. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). n.d. Nutrition During Pregnancy? [Accessed 26 October 2021]
  2. Mayo Clinic. n.d. Symptoms of Pregnancy: What Happens First. [Accessed 26 October 2021]
  3. What to Expect. n.d. Early Pregnancy Symptoms. [Accessed 26 October 2021]

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