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Heather Hanks
Written by Heather Hanks

Reviewed by Dr Eki Wari on March 21, 2022

Best Anger Management Tips To Help You Keep Your Cool

Published | 5 min read

You don't need to be an overly angry person to benefit from these anger management tips. Learn how anger and negative emotions affect your health, and how to ease your fury here.

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In the 2013 film Anger Management, Adam Sandler plays a relatable character who hilariously overreacts to life’s common stressors. And while the movie is meant for entertainment purposes only, it’s a great reminder that we all could use some anger management tips in our life.

In fact, research shows that if you don’t properly manage your angry feelings, it could lead to serious health-related problems. In this article, we’ll explain why managing your anger is important and natural ways to tame your fury.

Importance Of Anger Management, According To TCM

Use breathing techniques to help control anger when stress builds up at work.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine’s (TCM) holism principle, you can associate specific emotions to individual organs. The Five Element theory explains that anger relates to the liver.

Smooth liver qi circulation can help regulate our emotions. However, liver imbalances can disrupt this flow of qi and trigger abnormal psychological reactions, including anger. Conversely, anger can also give rise to liver disorders.

Here’s why it’s in your best interest to manage your anger:

1. Being Angry Increases Your Risk Of Heart Disease

Evidence suggests that anger links to a higher risk of heart disease. The influence of anger on the condition is similar to smoking, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Studies show that people who are angry frequently and have intense outbursts are more susceptible to heart attacks. They’re also more likely to undergo bypass surgery. 

Men are more prone to act out when they’re angry. Young men who react angrily may develop heart disease before the age of 55 or have a heart attack.

2. Anger Makes It Harder To Sleep

Thinking about the cause of your anger will make you angry. If you don’t take steps to regulate the emotion, you won’t be able to get quality sleep. Also, anger may keep you physically and mentally awake before and during sleep. 

Consciously playing out a scenario in your mind, meanwhile, will also cause you to remain angry for a prolonged period. Consequently, it can induce insomnia, delayed sleep onset, and poor sleep integrity.

Children who throw tantrums or have an angry temperament may experience higher daytime sleepiness and problems falling and staying asleep.

3. Being Angry Makes You Forgetful

Distress can make you irritable or angry, especially if the stress becomes overwhelming. For instance, if you’re involved in an afternoon car accident, the emotion you feel can make you temporarily forget what you did that morning.

It’s worth noting that the lapse in memory is due to all your attention being focused on the threat of potential physical harm. You may be able to identify what caused you to feel threatened. However, you’ll struggle to remember anything besides the accident.

Anger Management Tips That Work

It’s understandable that you won’t be able to avoid, change or control what sparks your anger. Fortunately, anger management can keep you calm and manage the physiological arousal that the emotion sets off.

1. Get Physical

Exercise stimulates a number of brain chemicals that promote happiness and relaxation. Psychologist Kelly Wilson explains in her book “Things Might Go Terribly, Horribly Wrong” that hundreds of studies demonstrate that exercise suppresses anger by burning excess energy and encouraging a release of endorphins.

In addition, exercise can help lower blood pressure. High blood pressure is both a risk factor and an effect of anger. Aerobic exercise, in particular, can elevate heart rate and work the pulmonary system.

Consequently, it’ll help regulate blood pressure and decrease anxiety, thus lessening episodes of anger. An ancient exercise like Qigong can also be beneficial for anger management.

Qigong can promote qi circulation to disperse the emotion of anger. Stretching towards either side of the body aids circulation along the gallbladder and liver meridians,” explains physician Lim Sock Ling.

2. Focus On Your breathing

Slowing down breathing and systematically relaxing tense muscles will enable relaxation. One way to do this is to count to four as you breathe in and breathe out slowly as you count to eight.

Your breath must enter your belly first, then your chest, and finally the upper chest area that’s just below your shoulders. Continue this breathing pattern for several minutes, ensuring that your ribs and lungs expand at the same time.

3. Massage This Acupoint

Applying pressure to the Taichong (LR3) acupressure point can help calm the mind to control anger.

Acupuncture is an alternative therapy that effectively modulates anger by supporting a healthy flow of liver qi. It’s also useful for calming the mind and correcting imbalances in the body.

“Massage the Taichong (LR3) acupressure point that’s located on the dorsum of the foot, in a depression between first and second metatarsal bones,” advises physician Lim.

4. Use Calming Herbs

The consumption of herbal teas can help regulate emotions in distinct ways. Brew and consume a tea that uses rosebuds or Buddha’s Hands citron to ease liver qi.

Chrysanthemum tea consumption reduces liver yang. Separately, you can use Rhodolea Rosea (Hongjingtian) to calm irritability by normalizing bodily functions. Kava is a South Pacific herb that can be used to tranquilize the central nervous system and provide relaxation. 

Additionally, Lingzhi Cracked Spores supplements calm the central nervous system to provide stress relief support that can help you control anger.

Anger management is an important first step towards a better quality of life. Adhering to the above mentioned tips consistently will help you channel anger towards more constructive purposes.

If you’re considering the use of herbal ingredients, speak to a TCM physician beforehand. Doing so will help you learn about herbs that are suitable for your body constitution and prevent adverse side effects.


  2. The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions. 2015. Anger & Heart Disease: Try Thinking Positively, For Heart Health.  
  3. ResearchDirect. 2017. Anger tendencies and sleep: Poor anger control is associated with objectively measured sleep disruption 
  4. CogniFit. Memory Loss.  
  5. ACTA SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL SCIENCES. 2019. Exercise and its Impact on Anger Management.  
  6. MentalHelp.net. Anger Management Relaxation Techniques.  
  7. THE CENTER FOR ADVANCED ACUPUNCTURE. Acupuncture for Anger Management.  
  8. GLOBAL HEALING. 2014. The Top 5 Herbs for Controlling Mood Swings.  

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Jul 18 2023


Lee JustinApr 29 2023

I’m a Type A person. how do i tell my roommate he is waste in water usage in the kitchen when i don’t know the water usage of my other 7 roommates? it causes me so much Anxiety & Anger deep inside?

Apr 28 2023

The article was informative and gave me tips to reduce anger and it has sources. Please make more of these practical and informative articles.

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