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Pregnancy & Postnatal Care

Whether it’s pregnancy or postnatal care, there are so many things new parents must be aware of. From nutrition to medical care, it’s every parent’s responsibility to ensure that their precious little ones are healthy, happy, and safe.
Pregnant woman eats an apple while standing in the kitchen.
May 7, 2023 | 3 min read

Pregnancy Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

A pregnancy diet should include all food groups because it supports your baby’s development in the womb. Here’s a list of essential nutrients.

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If you have recently given birth, congratulations on the delivery of your newborn! Now that you’re home safely with your child, it’s time to implement the lessons learned or tips received during antenatal classes or monthly visits to a doctor. Typically, the priority would be postnatal care towards reinvigorating and ensuring optimal healing of the mother’s body. Likewise, the traditional confinement period provides you with wellness practices that promote recovery and healing from childbirth.
Regardless of whether you are pregnant or have given birth, we understand that it is a hectic and sensitive time for both mom and dad. So take comfort in knowing that you can enjoy pregnancy or motherhood by heeding the advice of our experts.

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Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.