8 Tips to Get Rid of Student Stress
Published | 5 min read
From meditation to exercise, feeding the brain and caring for the heart, here are eight tips for managing student stress.

Student stress is something that accompanies many adolescents from all walks of life. In 2018, a study published in the Society for Research in Child Development journal suggested that bad grades triggered higher cortisol levels in high school students. Dubbed the stress hormone, cortisol has been known to compromise the immune system and memory performance.
Now, imagine adding COVID-19 stress to the mix. A 2021 study was conducted by researchers from University Malaya on 137 secondary school students in Malaysia who had to delay their exams because of the pandemic. It showed that 37.6% had extreme anxiety; 28.8% had moderate anxiety; and 20% had mild anxiety.
Another study by the same researchers from University Malaya focused on university students who had to transition to e-learning exhibited a similar result. 56% of participants who perceived COVID-19 negatively experienced stress, 51.3% anxiety and 29.4% depression.
If the way you learn has been affected by the pandemic or if you know someone who is in trouble, there are some things that can help with mental wellbeing.
Read more to find out eight techniques to eliminate student stress.
How to Spot Student Stress
Although stress can manifest differently in each person, symptoms are quite universal in general. According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), some common symptoms of stress in children of all ages include:
- Tiredness
- Changes in eating and sleeping behaviours
- Chest tightness
- Dry mouth
- Muscle weakness
- Stomachache
- Dizziness and headache
- Shaking
- General aches
- Withdrawal
- Poor concentration
- Irritability
- Confusion
- Being increasingly fearful
Eight Tips to Manage Student Stress
Here are eight ways students can manage their stress:
1. Meditate
Research on meditation, particularly mindfulness-based therapies, has demonstrated efficacy in reducing anxiety and depression. Rooted in Buddhism, this form of meditation is divided into two components: attention and acceptance. Mindfulness meditation requires you to pay attention to your breath, thoughts and feelings. Whether the thoughts and feelings are good or bad, you must accept them without judgment before finally letting them go.
When you wake up in the morning, sit up or lie comfortably on your bed, and start your day by meditating. Close your eyes and concentrate only on your breathing as you inhale and exhale. Do this for a few minutes until you feel relaxed.

2. Feed your brain well
A nutritious breakfast will get you ready to face the rest of the day. Avoid greasy meals that can mess with your digestion. Choose foods with protein, calcium and omega-3 that will energise your brain.
Protein promotes the development of the brain while making sure the neurons work well at the same time. You can find it in white meat, soybeans and eggs. Likewise, calcium regulates several neuronal functions and long-term memory-making processes. Calcium is available in milk and other dairy products.
Twenty percent of the brain’s dry weight consists of good fats like omega-3. Supplements or foods containing the substance, such as walnuts and salmon, are very beneficial for the brain. A study has also found that omega-3 can improve brain disorders like depression and anxiety. Alternatively, you can try supplements made from ginkgo biloba, which is believed to reduce anxiety disorders.
3. Take care of your heart
Another organ that needs to be nourished apart from the brain is your heart. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), emotional imbalances like anxiety are caused by a weak Heart. TCM recommends consuming biota seeds or undergoing acupuncture treatments to replenish the Heart and enhance its function.
4. Organise your space and thoughts
An organised space is one of the contributing factors to mental wellness. A 2009 study by researchers from University of California-Los Angeles found that mothers with more organised homes had lower cortisol levels than those surrounded by clutter. So, clean up your desk or study area to be free of stress!
Much like your physical space, your mental thoughts need to stay organised. Instead of making one long-term study goal, divide them into small, more realistic ones that you can achieve gradually. Doing this will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses while giving you more motivation to reach every goal.
5. Give yourself a break
There’s a reason why school recess exists. Research has shown that recess plays a huge role in developing a child’s emotions as well as their creativity and social behaviour. Taking a break from studying is vital for mental health. Furthermore, a break will also protect you from digital eye strain.

6. Do some exercise
Like taking breaks, being physically active provides a timeout from stressful factors. Moreover, multiple studies have proven that exercise affects the chemicals in the brain that control your moods, like dopamine and serotonin.
TCM too, highlights the importance of exercise as a stress relief. It believes that stress can disturb the flow of qi in your body, leading to several illnesses. Working out can help minimise the effects of stress by rejuvenating qi and blood circulation.
7. Go to bed on time
Poor sleep has been linked to both mental and physical dysfunction. Adults need seven to eight hours of sleep every night. But more than just the duration, quality sleep also constitutes timing. From TCM’s point of view, the ideal bedtime is between 11pm to 5am, according to the meridian clock.
8. Reduce internal Heat
Eating and sleeping well are important, but sometimes, students sacrifice healthy meals and rest for good grades. According to TCM, bad eating and sleeping habits can cause Liver Qi Stagnation, resulting in internal Heat or Fire (yang) in the body.
To counter the impacts of internal Heat, TCM recommends cooling herbs, like Foxglove root (sheng di, 生地), asparagus root (tian dong, 天冬) and Chinese magnolia vine fruit (wu wei zi, 五味子).
Student stress may be hard to avoid, but it can be managed. Through these eight steps, you can feel more at peace as you study your way toward achieving your goals.
This is an adaptation of an article, “10 Stress-Busting Techniques for Exam Success”, which first appeared on the Eu Yan Sang website.
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