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Ways to Infuse Wolfberries into Your Diet for a Healthier Lifestyle

Published | 5 min read

Boost your immune system and add a nutritious twist to your meals with wolfberries—a fruit packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Discover all the tips and tricks for creatively infusing wolfberries into your diet, cultivating a healthier lifestyle.

Wolfberries featured

Wolfberries are not just a vibrant addition to your pantry but a powerhouse of nutrition. These small, red berries have been cherished in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for centuries, revered for their ability to enhance wellbeing and prevent ailments. Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, wolfberries offer a unique combination of flavor and health benefits. 

Whether you’re looking to boost your immune system, enhance your vision, or simply add a nutritious twist to your meals, incorporating wolfberries into your diet can be both delightful and beneficial. This guide will explore various creative and delicious ways to weave this superfood into your daily eating habits, ensuring you reap all the exceptional advantages they have to offer. 

Overview of Wolfberries

Wolfberry, widely known as Goji berry (gou qi zi, 枸杞子) and with the scientific name of Lycium barbarum, has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and other Asian countries as foods to promote health and as drugs to treat diseases. Studies have claimed that this medicinal crop is a good source of compounds with valuable nutritional and bioactive properties which can also provide industrial sustainability in organic life.

Known for their sweet, slightly sour flavor, and vibrant red hue, there are claims that Wolfberries can slow signs of aging, maintain eye health, and strengthen the liver, kidneys, and lungs.

Are Wolfberries Healthy?  

In some therapeutic practices, such as the treatment for atrophic gastritis, it is recommended to consume 10 grams of Lycium fruit, twice daily. Whether used alone or as part of an herbal blend, goji berries provide significant nutritional and health benefits, making them a valuable addition to a healthy diet.

What are the Potential Health Benefits of Wolfberries? 

Highly nutritious

Wolfberries are a great source of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.
5 tablespoons or 28 grams of dried wolfberries have: 

  • Vitamin A: 250% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin C: 15% of the DV
  • Calories: 98
  • Protein: 4 grams
  • Fat: 0.1 grams
  • Carbs: 21.6 grams
  • Fiber: 3.6 grams
  • Sugar: 12.8 grams
  • Iron: 11% of DV

Protects the eyes

Wolfberries contain high amounts of antioxidants, especially zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin is the same antioxidant that can stop damage from UV light, free radicals, and oxidative damage. 

A study published in the Optometry and Vision Science journal of the American Academy of Optometry revealed that seniors who consumed goji berry juice for 90 days experienced a significant increase in zeaxanthin and other antioxidants. Additionally, research featured in the Drug Design, Development and Therapy journal demonstrates that goji berries help protect the retina from the ganglion cells that cause glaucoma—a condition that can result in vision loss.

Promotes healthy skin

Beta-carotene is one of the essential plant phytochemicals that can be found in wolfberries. Beta-carotene is known for its ability to promote healthy skin that helps in reducing skin irritation, managing the effects of the sun, as well as the impact of aging. 

Supports immune system protection

Wolfberries are rich in beneficial antioxidants, which are celebrated for enhancing immune function and combating damaging free radicals and inflammation.

Like other berries such as blueberries and raspberries, wolfberries are also packed with significant levels of vitamins A and C. These vitamins are essential for boosting immune health and protecting against a range of illnesses, from the common cold to more serious diseases like cancer.

Prevents liver damage

Studies on animal models suggest that goji berries may improve liver health and help prevent the progression of alcohol-induced fatty liver disease. Further research conducted on human liver cancer cells has demonstrated that goji berries can also inhibit tumor growth.

Regulates glucose levels

Research indicates that wolfberries are effective in regulating insulin and glucose levels in the blood. Additionally, the same studies have found that people with type 2 diabetes who consume wolfberries experience higher levels of HDL, commonly referred to as “good” cholesterol. 

Tips to Include Wolfberries in Diet

If you’re looking to add more of these nutritious berries to your meals, here are some simple yet effective ways to make wolfberries a staple in your daily diet.

Start your day with a boost

Add a handful of dried wolfberries to your morning cereal, oatmeal, or yogurt. Their sweet-tangy flavor pairs well with these breakfast staples, and they’ll provide a nutritious start to your day. You can also blend them into your morning smoothies for a burst of antioxidants.

Make energizing snacks

Mix wolfberries into your trail mixes, granola bars, or nut and seed blends. Their chewy texture and rich flavor make them a delightful addition that enhances both taste and nutritional value. For a quick snack, you can also simply snack on a small bowl of dried wolfberries.

Enhance your beverages

Infuse water or tea with dried wolfberries. Adding a few berries to a glass of hot or cold water can enrich it with flavor and nutrients, making your hydration efforts more enjoyable and beneficial. They also make a great addition to herbal teas, providing a natural sweetness.

Opt for wolfberry sauces and dressings

Puree wolfberries and incorporate them into sauces, dressings, or dips. A wolfberry vinaigrette, for instance, can be a delightful topping for salads, enhancing the dish with a fruity zest that complements both leafy greens and roasted vegetables.

Craft culinary creations

Incorporate wolfberries into your cooking by adding them to stews, soups, or rice dishes. They contribute a hint of sweetness and a wealth of nutrients. You can also use them as a garnish on desserts or baked goods for an appealing finish and a healthful twist.

Use it for medicinal purposes

Traditionally, wolfberries have been used in herbal teas and broths to enhance health and wellness. Simmer wolfberries with other herbs like ginger and turmeric to create a soothing tea that boosts immunity and fights inflammation.

Incorporating wolfberries into your diet is not only a step towards healthier eating habits but also a chance to enhance the flavors in your everyday meals. Whether you choose to sprinkle them on your breakfast, blend them into your snacks, or cook them into your main dishes, wolfberries are sure to provide both nutritional benefits and delightful tastes.


  1. Bucheli, Peter, et al. “Goji Berry Effects on Macular Characteristics and Plasma Antioxidant Levels.” Optometry and Vision Science, vol. 88, no. 2, Feb. 2011. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4277126/ 
  2. “FoodData Central.” Fdc.nal.usda.gov, fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/173032/nutrients. https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/173032/nutrients
  3. Cheng, Jiang, et al. “An Evidence-Based Update on the Pharmacological Activities and Possible Molecular Targets of Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharides.” Drug Design, Development and Therapy, vol. 9, 2014, pp. 33–78, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25552899 
  4. Bucheli, Peter, et al. “Goji Berry Effects on Macular Characteristics and Plasma Antioxidant Levels.” Optometry and Vision Science, vol. 88, no. 2, Feb. 2011, pp. 257–262, https://doi.org/10.1097/opx.0b013e318205a18f

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